artificial total-hip arthroplasty 髋关节置换; 线性烷基苯
artifitial total-hip arthroplasty 人工全髋关节置换术; 消息传递(MPI)
complex total hip arthroplasty 复杂人工全髋置换
Primary total hip arthroplasty 初次全髋关节置换
Revision total hip arthroplasty 人工全髋关节翻修术; 翻修术; 全髋关节翻修术
short stem total hip arthroplasty 短柄全髋关节置换术
Total hip arthoplasty 全髋人工关节置换
Total hip arthroplasty THA 全髋人工关节置换
uncemented total hip arthroplasty 非骨水泥人工髋关节置换术; 生物型假体全髋置换
Total hip joint arthroplasty 全髋关节置换
Total hip resurfacing arthroplasty 全髋关节表面置换术
Total hip arthrop lasty 关节置换术
Artificial total hip joint 人工全髋关节
artificial total hip replacement 人工全髋关节置换术; 人工关节置换
bilateral artificial total hip joint replacement 全髋关节置换术
dislocation of total hip relocation 人工髋关节脱位
replacement of total hip 全髋关节置换术
revision of total hip replacement 髋关节置换
sum total =total amount 总计